A lotion or ointment that is applied directly to a part of the body. Cannabis topicals are typically non-intoxicating, which allows patients to enjoy the plant’s therapeutic effects without THC’s attendant psychoactivity.
They can include transdermal solutions as well as lotions, oils, patches, sprays, soaps, lubricants, bath salts, and cool or warm balms, and are often made from essential oils such as clove and wintergreen for additional relief.
Topicals are utilized for:
- Fast-acting localized relief of inflammation and pain
- Treat some skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis
- They have also become a hot product for the beauty industry
- Act as a sexual pleasure from lubes to suppositories
5 min – 2 hours.
Lasting upwards of 12 hours.
- Ideal for localized pain and inflammation, including arthritis, bone fractures, skin conditions, cramping, and migraines
- No psychoactive effects, so new users and those with a low THC tolerance can use them with confidence
- Transdermal patches can provide hours of relief
- Very discreet
- Save for drug test
- Some products may contain parabens or artificial fragrances which can irritate sensitive skin and cause other health issues
- Localized, non psychoactive effect limits the effectiveness for number of ailments
What Women Say
I use topicals on my sore knees after I run.